I have to warn you that this post is not all that interesting. I just have to document this, so I don`t forget! (O:

This little girlie here is 18 months and 7 days old. Her little sparkly eyes melt my heart. Her little chubby, dimpled hands make me smile and I want to keep her in a bottle and never lose sight of this time.

She is getting more independant and has realized that she doesn't need to listen. I can see her deciding whether to come when I call. I seem to be getting a "NO" quite often. We have some work to do.

She is still very much in love with Ken. When he comes home, she yells Dad, Dad, Dad and doesn't stop until he picks her up. When he does, she rubs his shoulder and is so content.

The joy she has brought us in the last 18 months is unspeakable. We thank the Lord for this spunky little lady!

The big news is that she has moved into a toddler bed. Wowsa, it's crazy! (o: It all started when I decided that I needed to clean out the girls closet. When I started taking things out, that little bed in the back of the closet jumped out at me and bit me. Naddie pleaded with me and I resisted. I was worried she would come out all the time. Holidays are coming and I want to sleep, not be training at little lady to stay in her bed. But I was so melted by the cuteness of the bed, I decided to do it. Impulsive? Who me? Naa!!! (O:

So  I set the bed up and left the crib up just in case. The room was in chaos at this point! (O: I put her down for her nap to give it a try.

When it was time for bed at night. I just took all that stuff off and piled it on the dresser! What a mess. It was hard for me to leave it that way. Drove me crazy.

You might wonder what my girlies are doing in a blue room? This is the room that is right beside our room. It was Micah's room during his sick time. When Grace was born he moved out of it and have just never painted it. Expecting the cancer to come back, we thought he would be moving back into this room again soon.  We just didn't know.This room holds so many sad memories. There was part of me that is thankful Micah is out of it. Then I tend not to picture him laying in bed so sick, or sitting on his bed telling him that he would love heaven.

Moving on... Grace did well. I shed a tear and decided to take the crib down. Here is Grace helping.

Once the crib was down, we reorganized the room and got rid of a whole bunch of stuff. 

 Pippa, going down for a nap with her precious Bunny Lunny! She feels like a big girl!

That was fun! She has not gotten out 1 time. It does help that I put up that extra blue thing. She really can`t get out and will fall over the side if she tries. I wonder how long it will be before she tries it! (O:

A few pics of Grace playing on the piano. She LOVES the piano. They aren`t the greatest quality, but I have to document it! (O:

So sad this is fuzzy. I think her fingers are sooo cute! (O:


  1. Hehe Very CUTE!!!!!! What a lovie. I just got some pics of Brie playing the keyboard! Funny girls. :O)

  2. Grace is so stinkin' cute!!!! Your baby is growing up. How time flies….


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