Just some words....

I want to write all the time. I have posts about the kids and about life swirling all the time. I write in my mind all day long. But by the time I am able to get it down, it's gone. I can't find the same words back. Usually the original words are the best.

I often hear people say......When I grow up and my kids are bigger.....When I have more time..... I am going to:
  • Sometimes I hear that they are going to get a job or go back to school. I would like to maybe take some courses. We will see where the Lord leads. 
  • Sometimes I hear that their house is going to be cleaner. Oh boy, that would be nice. I hope that happens! I wouldn't be sad if my house would stay clean for longer than half an hour. I would have to clean in the middle of the night for that to happen! (o:
  • Some people want to scrap book all their pictures. I don't have patience for that and I am not crafty enough. I think I would rather do digital albums. Yep, that will happen for me someday too. But I hope to do that sooner than later.  

All that stuff is good. My two things are:  I want to help people. I am not sure how yet.  I know that is crazy vague. I have quite a few years to nail it down! God will show me what He wants me to do with the desire when the time comes. (o:

I also want to write when something is swirling in my mind. I want to be able to drop my stuff and sit down even for 15 minutes guilt free and just get it down. That would make me smile.

A few quotes from the kids:

Natalie: "Mom was I at your wedding?"

Micah: Was Aunt Monica "reduced"? (induced)

Josiah told me he was a Christian and that he loves God. He told me that he was going to start telling more people that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. That simply delights me.

Just so you know...I thought I lost a book and it has been bothering me for a long time. I just realized it was on my shelf the whole time. Nice surprise!

Ken and I went to the States a few weeks ago and as soon as we came back over the border, I felt way more safe. Not that I was afraid we would get shot. But Canada has such a different feeling than the States. It could be all in my mind, but I feel it every time. Our little South Western Ontario feels just right and is so beautiful! It is peaceful. I don't appreciate it enough.

Just a little story about the border.... Coming back the lady was pretty serious, as if we were potential drug dealers. She asked how much we spent over the last 36 hours. We told her 70. She asked if that was between the two of us. Our answer was yes. Then in a half military voice, half sarcastic voice she ask if that was 70 thousand? 70 million? What?  I wanted to tell her that it was actually 70 "bagillian", if she needed to know. Wow. I wonder if she smiled when we drove away and took joy in the silly question or if she thought that was a perfectly great question and she felt satisfied that she did her job!(o:

We had a sermon on prayer the other week. Even though I know this, it hit me hard that God answered our prayers. I know, you are probably thinking, " No kidding!". But really Micah was going to die. God opened doors that were closed. When I look back, they were doors and means of healing that weren't supposed to open. He lined up everything perfectly. He gave us one amazing miracle. I do think about our miracle often, but not in those terms. It is beautiful and made me cry with thankfulness.

Ken surprised me with a PA day today. I love having my boy home! The kids are going to be excited about the fact that I am letting them sleep in and that when they wake up, Ken is here.What a blessing. We needed this day. Life has been nuts. (o:

Have a good day! (o:


  1. I have the same thought about "when I have time". I want to help people. Not sure what, but yes I too believe God will show us what in time.
    I would love to volunteer at a shelter, or the hospital, or if in my life God gives me a special gift that could help others to use that to the best I can.

    Belinda I think you are an inspiration to a lot of people that go through trials. You were honest in your posts, and even though you walked through some pretty dark valleys with your family you all stuck together and leaned on God. I'd say you are already helping people:-) You have now been given the gift of knowing how to talk to people that are dealing with similar trials, and that is a blessing to others as you speak of how God carried you through.


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