Hide it in your Heart Week 11 - Prayer Request - Encouragement

I have 3 things I want to write this morning...

First, here is our new memory verse. I didn't do so well memorizing this week. I find it is directly related to my devotions. If I am faithful in my devotions, I am faithful in memorizing. It is all discipline. It is quite frustrating. The only reason I am still doing this is because I know there are a few doing it with me and I have to keep posting these verses. Accountability is a good thing! (O:

Psalm 1:3-4

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruits in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does. he prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff that the wind drives away.


Next, I was wonder if you would pray for this FAMILY? Their little Charlie is getting his eye removed this morning at 9:30. Please pray that the Lord will wrap His arms around them as they leave him in that operating room and wait in that waiting room. Pray that they will have peace and that they will give their little guy over to the Lord. Pray that the Lord will give the Docs wisdom and that Charlie would tolerate the surgery well. We pray that he will need no further treatment. That would be such a beautiful gift!

Lastly, here is a poem by Tripp. It has brought me comfort so many times, especially around the time of Micah's lung surgery.  I encourage you to read it. It is so beautiful.

Safe by Paul David Tripp

For He will hide me in His shelter in the day of trouble. Psalm 27:5

I am safe,
not because I have no
or because I never experience
I am safe,
not because people affirm
or my plans always
work out.
I am safe,
not because I am immune from
or free of the potential for
I am safe,
not because I am protected from
or separated from this
fallen world.
I am safe,
not because I am
or strong.
I am safe,
not because I deserve
comfort or have earned my
I am safe,
not because of
or power,
or position,
or intellect,
or who I know,
or where I live.
I am safe because of the glorious mystery of 
I am safe because of the presence of
boundless love.
I am safe because of
divine mercy,
divine wisdom,
divine power,
and divine grace.
I am safe,
not because I never face danger,
but because You are 
with me in it.
You have not given me
a ticket out of danger.
You have not promised me
a life of ease.
You have chosen to place me in
a fallen world.
I am safe,
because You have given me
the one thing
that is the
only thing
that will ever keep me safe.
You have given me
I am safe
from my evil heart
and this shattered world,
not because I can escape
them both,
but because in the middle of
temptation and trial,
danger and disappointment,
sickness and want,
You give me everything
I need to
fight temptation
and avoid defeat
and to point others
to the safety
that can be found only
in You.
So I will wake up tomorrow
and face the anxiety 
of not knowing
the fear of own my weakness
and the reality of the fall.
I will live with
and hope.
When danger comes,
and it will,
I will whisper to
my weakening heart,
"Emmanuel is your shelter;
you are safe."
