A Funeral

I went to a funeral last week.

A neighbour lady had cancer. It wasn't actually the cancer that took her. She had a bad reaction to one of the drugs.

Her husband, who is such a sweet man, even though he may seem a bit gruff, has just lost his second wife. His first wife passed away in a car accident. It is the same car accident that gave him a limp.

It is all so sad.

The saddest thing is that she didn't know the Lord.

Another sad thing is that I spent some time with Diane. We chatted quite often. When she was first diagnosed, she called me over to help her look over her drug lists. When there was something new she called. She brought chocolates over for the kids.  I really liked her.  I am pretty sure she had read my blog and one day she asked me how I know that the Lord works things for my good. I gave her an answer, but I didn't spend time answering her. I was rushed that night and had things to take care of at home. There is nothing more important than telling someone about the Lord. God gave me more than an opening. He presented me with a gift in her interest. I missed it or chose not to take it.

The funeral was done by the funeral home. I am very familiar with the funeral home. They do almost all of our church funerals. The man started talking and he quoted a verse from "Ecclese-astics" ( notice the last 'c') and another verse. Then he went on to tell us that the Buddists believe that we die twice: Once when we die physically and once when we are forgotten. He went on for a bit and said all the appropriate things that you would expect to hear.

The funeral was exactly 15 minutes long. I wanted to weep.

I am sad that she is gone. She was such a sweet lady. I am angry at myself for not telling her about my precious Saviour. I am angry at that funeral guy for giving people false comfort. I am sad that Brian is alone again.

So please tell people. The fact that we have a God who would send His Son to save us is beautiful. It is best news you could ever have.

Tell people about Him.
