Picture Overload.....

It's been a rough week emotionally. A young girl that we did treatment with the first time passed away yesterday. Our hearts are broken for the Norbury family. It also hurts us on a different level because cancer isn't so far from our minds.  

The last few weeks, this blog has been so serious with so much writing. It's time for some pictures just for fun. I haven't been taking many pics lately. That is a good sign. It means I am relaxed and secure with where we are in regards to Micah. I am not trying to capture every single moment of every single day, "just in case." I am thankful!

They are mostly of Grace! (O:

Siah and his cousin and friend Keagan!

My new favourite picture! 

 She is concentrating so hard to get the lid on!

Her new love! (o:

Micah's self taken pic!

Bad quality pic, but this is so Siah. Playing baseball in his underwear after his bath!

My sister has a little guy named Jack. Her husband is away for a few weeks during the week for work. So Tori is living at my parents during the week. It is so fun to have her back across the street. One night she was over a little late and Jack was fussy, so Ken took a turn. He got a lot of experience with a grumpy little guy when we had Micah. So Ken knew exactly what to do! Ken is a good daddy!

Natalie and Siah are ready for family pictures here.

The car seats were out because Ken needed the van to take school kids to a soccer tournament. Grace sat here when ever she got tired. She was listening to her music. She loves music.

Her two new loves: walking and the ipod!


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