Hide it in your heart.

I just have to preface this by saying that last night I had a dream, that I went to jail for drug possession. Yes, I know, it's rather interesting. It stemmed from talking about China and them not having enough Bibles. So sometimes they memorize big chunks of the Bible or they copy them out. Part of it also came from a book I am reading.  But I was crying in jail because I hadn't memorized enough bible verses and I couldn't remember the ones I had.

So it was rather timely that I got the bible memory things from Desiring God today.  I am smitten. I struggle with memorizing verses and I know this won't actually help me with the memorizing, but something new and kind of structured is fun. It even comes in a cute little binder!

The adult one is a 5 year thing. Eeek. If I do this faithfully, I will be exactly 2 weeks from turning 40 when I am done.

 Me. 40. Crazy!

Above, is the verse for week one.

For the kids, I got the Foundation Verses. They are more for Siah and Natalie, but Micah will do it too.

The verses vary in length, but are very doable for littles.

I believe that you can pick which translation you would like. I picked the ESV.

For the kids, I also ordered little knights as rewards for memorizing. They are knights because by putting God's word away in your mind and heart, you are putting the armor of God on.

For every 5 verses they memorize, they get a little guy to put on their shelf.

Ask me in a month, if I am still doing this. (O: I am rather fickle at times, but have the best intentions......

I  recommend this product! (o:

Maybe we should make a memorizing club. I sound like I am in 8 years old saying that. But maybe it's a good idea! Anybody want to start with me? I will post the verses every Monday morning? Come on, let's do it!


  1. This looks so great Belinda!
    I started memorizing with Revive our Hearts last year, and it went well for the first few months - I learned a few whole chapters! But then I got out of the habit, and never got back into it again. This summer, the kids and I memorized Psalm 139 together, but the only reason it worked was because I just made it part of our morning devotions. If you don't schedule it in, it will eventually stop happening.
    I would join your club :0) but my kids each have a different verse for Sunday school each week, plus a different verse for each class at school - so at any given time, I'm trying to keep track of 6 different verses that need memorizing - hard to stay organized with it all!
    I love your idea though, and I hope you can figure out a way to make it work and keep at it.

  2. I would like to join your club. :-) Do I get a little man if I join? ;-)

  3. Hehe, I could send you a little man, Anita! (o:

  4. I will join your club :) I have been struggling with memorizing for a LONG time. It is hard (for me) to find the time to do it. So maybe this will be good motivation. Count me in.

  5. I'll join your club :) Hopefully having people to keep me accountable will motivate me to stick with memorizing regularly!

  6. I'd like to join -- memorizing is difficult for me -- or maybe I've just allowed myself to think so.


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