I have wanted to.....

I have wanted to blog for the last few weeks, just for fun, but there is no time and I miss it. I haven't even posting our camping pictures. Crazy!

I wanted to write about how Grace has taken her first few steps and how I love the sound of her little voice. She has brought so much joy to our family.

I have wanted to write about how I turned 35 and that it feels way older than 34, but that it doesn't bother me.

I have wanted to write about how I have realized that Josiah is about the age Micah was when he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I noticed it because some of the clothes that Siah is wearing have come from Micah. I remember those clothes vividly being worn at the hospital through those first days. I think those clothes may need to go to Goodwill because it hurts my heart too much.

I have wanted to write, how challenging I find school this year. There are a lot of kids to keep busy and Grade 8 is a hard year. Sometimes things don't go as planned. Sometimes I am not as organized as I should be.I am positive this is what God wants us to be doing and I know that it is right, but some days are just plain discouraging. I am trying not to complain, this is just how it is today.

I have wanted to write about the fact that I am excited that I am being faithful in treating my body the way God wants me to. I am working out like a crazy woman and I love it. It feels great.

I wanted to write that I am thankful for my church family. Our church is home and the people are family. We are not without our problems, but it is a blessing.

I have wanted to write about the fact that I miss Ken, now that he at school. He is my best friend and I love to spend time with him. We actually have to purposefully schedule time to go walking together or we won't really get time together at night. It is a busy house and we both have lots to do at night. Also, the kids are getting older which means later bedtimes. Oh for 7pm bedtimes! (O:

I have wanted to write about the fact that I am getting a little more confident in the area of Micah's health. Instead of waiting for the cancer to come back, I am wondering if it ever will. Thank you Lord for a different perspective.

Lastly, I have wanted to write about the fact that God is faithful. He has been and is faithful in taking care of us and supplying ALL of our needs. He will be faithful as the years go on. Everything around us could/will change, but He is the one thing that will never change. That makes me thankful. 


  1. Great post, Belinda! Grace is walking? I don't think I knew that... Crazy how time flies. And Josh in grade 8? Yikes. Are you homeschooling high school, too?

  2. I can't believe Josiah is the age Micah was when he was diagnosed!!! Hard to believe he was that small!
    Nice post. Feeling the same way about a lot of the same things!

  3. Jen, Grace isn't officially walking. She just takes steps here and there. So we know she can do it, she is just scared to! (o; Crazy girl!

    We are not homeschooling highschool. We think it is good for kids in so many ways to get out of the house. Josh is so ready to go. This year or even last year would have been ideal to send him to school. But life was so uncertain here that we weren't at peace making that change. God just didn't give us the OK. We will see when we send the others! (o:

  4. A wonderful post, Belinda! You have a very beautiful family. I love your honesty in all your posts. Your family and friends are blessed to have you in their lives.



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