Natalie's New Hair....

Naddie got her hair cut. My girl is getting so big. (o: Don't look at her dirty, backwards shirt!

Speaking of shirts... Do any of your kids wear their shirts backwards and at times inside out and backwards and don't even care? Do they ever grab two different socks that are different in style and color and just put them on?

Mine do and I think they are kind of weird. (o


  1. looks cute Natalie....makes her look all grown up. her hair looks like it's lightening in the sun.

  2. socks and kids don't do those husband does. :)

  3. aww she is so cute.. And my boys always put diff socks on that dont match, and wear there shirts backwards(and yes this does include my husband) My daughter is 3 hasnt done that as of yet...

  4. Love her haircut! And I always think she looks beautiful on sundays in her white and yellow. :-)

  5. ...non matching socks - my husband does that!! So I pair them together after the wash - so that they match because I can't stand non matching socks!!!!!!

  6. My sister used to wear her pants backwards so she couldn't see the holes. :)


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