
So I love Ken. (o:  He is an amazing husband, but also a beautiful example of a father. For Father's Day we wanted to make something instead of buying. Ken loves gardening, so we made a stone to put in his garden with all of the kid's hand prints in it. Grace's was a challenge because she kept grabbing the cement, so we had to fill hers in. But at least we have the size of her hand. It is not perfect, but Ken loved it.

Last week, I had no time to make a cake, so we bought a yummy strawberry one. Look at Ken's ring. There is a split it in. Weird. I wonder if we can get that fixed. This is ring #2. Number one was lost tubing down a river! (O:

Ken played in a baseball tourney for school last week Saturday and he slid into second. He did wash it out when he got home, but by Tuesday night it was infected. He was in a lot of pain, had a fever and his leg was so swollen and red.  He was not well. He has done 2 days of antibiotics at the hospital so far and has 1 more to go. If things are well tonight at the hospital, he won't have to go back and will just do 10 days of pills. We are thankful that it is only 3 days. At first there was talk of possibly doing 10 days of IV antibiotics. That would have not been ideal.

This picture was taken yesterday during the day. It kept weeping, so he got it dressed last night. That is so much better.  Something that is strange is that he went into the hospital the first time at midnight and since the meds have to be about 24 hours apart, he had to go in at 11pm for his appts. That is so late. Last night he didn't get home until 2am. I hope it is shorter tonight. 

I wouldn't have thought to take this pic. Josh did it. Yuck!

This is Ken today. Ken is pretty white here, but starting to feel better. Grace missed cuddling with him, so when he finally was able to pick her up, she sat really still so she could stay longer. So sweet. He still has an IV in. The IV shook the kids up. They have strong associations with medical stuff.

This infection is such a small thing compared to so many things. But I have to say that it scared us. It was more serious than we understood and we are so thankful that God blessed the treatments.  


  1. Belinda, what an amazing father's day gift! I love it! Thankful that Ken is doing better. There was no warning about that picture of his leg. Now I know for sure why I am not a nurse. ;) Erik is on wedding ring number five. We've resorted to buying stainless steel rings for him. Give Gracie a tight squeeze and a hug for me!

  2. Oh gross. I should not have read this post while drinking my morning coffee ;)

    Glad Ken is on the mend!! What a nice fathers day gift. We did one last year with a kit from Michael's. How did you stamp your pretty letters and numbers in it? I just drew mine in with a stick - not nearly as nice :)

    I get the wedding band thing. Justin has lost two. We gave up buying them since he can't wear them to work and then never remembers to wear it for weekends only!!!

  3. Hey Jen, we got a kit too. The stamps came with it. We didn't go a great job, I think it was too wet when we did the hand prints. Next time, I would wait until it was a little more solid feeling!


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