First Trip to Port!

We are beach people. We don't really sit on the beach in the middle of the hot summer. We like to walk the beach.

A few Saturdays ago,  went to Mackies for some fries. Grace was eating her first fries and really enjoying them. Just so you know, she was ignoring me. (o:

In Mackies there are some rides. Grace LOVED this little car ride. Before we put the money in the second time she was rocking because she wanted it to go. That was a well spent dollar.

I had to put this one in. Her dimple is so deep here you could possibly slurp soup out of it! (o:

There is a new hurricane wind machine there. So cool. Siah looked like he was going to be blown away.

This is Ken trying to coral the kids for a picture. It is not as easy as it seems. Hehe.

This is the best one I could get. Not bad!

My sweet man and his little friend. (o:

She wasn't too excited to feel the water. She was lifting her legs as high as she could. Look at the look on her face!

Sweet boy.

Crazy boy!

Big boy.

Natalie practicing her cart wheels.

I am really looking forward to spending the summer with my family! I am so thankful for the time the Lord has given us.


  1. We saw you that day :)
    But just as we spotted you, Jacob fell backwards off of the picnic table and smacked his head on the cement floor... did you hear a small child screaming in pain??
    So we made a quick exit, since we were done anyway, and headed to the lake to distract him from his pain.
    Looks like you had a fun time - after the small injury we did, too :)

  2. I loved all these pictures! They make me want to be in Pt.! The one of Natalie doing a cartwheel reminds me so much of Beck. She was always practicing her cartwheels too. :-)

  3. Love all the pictures Belinda! Looks like such a fun day! Enjoy your summer with Ken home :0)


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