One of my favourite days.....

I would consider myself quite low maintenance. It wouldn't bother me at all if Ken and the kids forgot my birthday. Strange I know. I don't need an anniversary present or cards from anyone, including Ken. I just need a special hug from him. We don't do Valentines Day. I love romance, but to say you need to deliver on one specific day is ridiculous. (Ladies give your man a break! (o:)

But Mother's Day...... I love it. To me it is the most important day that needs to be recognized, except Christmas and Easter of course. I don't need presents, although I am usually spoiled. I love Mother's Day cards, whether they are made or bought. They make me cry.  Besides being a Christian, being a mother and wife is what defines me. It is my full time job and takes up almost all the hours of my day.

I fail every single day. I raise my voice. I am not as organized as I could be. I am not consistent. I often don't take those moments that I should be using to teach my kids, because I am tired or simply want to keep doing what I am doing.  I don't always love them how they need to be loved. I am often selfish with my time. Some days I long for quiet and alone. Although, my Ken is a wonderful man who does give me time on my own. He will often take the kids out for hours at a time, just leaving me with Grace. When Grace is big enough, I am sure she will get to go along too. So in that regard, I am spoiled and so are the kids. Ken is a great dad. I guess to be more accurate, at times I can't wait to have an empty house, where just Ken and I live together alone. Just me and my best friend. That sounds like bliss.

 I have come to a point in my life where I really see the blessings of having young kids.  I will miss this time. Even though it is busy and I am at times overwhelmed., this season in my life is a beautiful one. I do know what I want my house to look like. I want it to be a house filled with Christ. I want it to be a home full of love. I want it to be peaceful, even when its loud. I want to be giving with my time. I don't want to look back in 20 years and cry because it could have been so different. I won't have these little ones to love forever. Now that Josh is already 13, 18 does not seem that far away. I need to be intentional about appreciating this time and using it wisely. I can't wish it away.
Ann Voskamp's blog is a beautiful ministry. I have learned so much from her.  Today I printed out, 10 Grace Prayers for Joyful Parenting and Real Helps for Really Busy Moms. They are beautiful. Because of the way she writes there are a few points that I am not positive that I know exactly what she is saying. So interpret them how you like? The Real Helps one speaks to me especially.  I pray that these 2 sheets of paper will help me with perspective and continually put me on my knees. I am going to put them on the wall in a place I walk by the most often.  I know sometimes when things are linked on a blog, I don't click. But I command you Mammas -  CLICK HERE . For realeo. Don't make me come to your house. I will, you know!

 As moms, usually we are the barometer of what the tone of our homes are like. If we take to heart a quarter of what is on those 2 papers that you ARE going to print out, the lives of our family's could change drastically.
We can't do this by ourselves. I encourage you to pray for your kids and husbands. Pray that the Lord will use you and equip you. We can't do this without His hand on us.  Love your kids Mammas. Teach them and go about your tasks intentionally.  He will bless it.

Now go click, print and tape!  (O:


  1. I needed this Belinda - thank you for sharing! I just printed out the sheets too :0)


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