Last Year at This Time....

Last year at this time our hearts were very tender. Raw may be better word. Grace was 5 weeks from being born. Micah was recovering from surgery. We hadn't had a scan yet to tell us what was going on in his body. We had just walked through the most traumatic months of our lives. We weren't sure if it was over. We were wondering how long we would get to keep Micah. Cancer could have still been in him or could come back any day.

It was also Mother's day and the kids gave me presents. Micah gave me a dancing flower. It made me smile. But, last mothers day made me cry for literally a week. I was thinking that it was to be my last last Mother's Day with Micah and I didn't know how I was going to stand it.

The day after Mother's Day we forgot about school (Ken was home.) and went driving. It was the only way we could survive the day. We drove to Grand Bend and then on to Goderich. I love that area.

I took many pictures. They are probably a few of my most favourite pictures ever. When I look back at the pictures I took that day, I see my hurting heart. They were "just in case" pictures. I think the last one will always be a picture I cherish forever.

I just needed to share. Remembering makes me so thankful for the miracle God has given us.


  1. A few posts back you said something about Ann Voskamp's writing driving you crazy. I think the way she writes is beautiful, and I think the way you write is beautiful. Belinda, what you write is truth. It is raw, the emotion diffuses right through the words and into the hearts of the reader. You both write beautiful, but in a different way.
    Once again, thank you for opening your heart. For sharing your feelings and emotions with those who are following your story; those who care. I feel privileged to be reading your story. I feel privileged to care so much for your beautiful family.
    Love in Christ,
    Emily Wielinga [e(dot)wielinga(at)hotmail(dot)com]
    ps. -My words just don't seem to capture the thoughts of my heart the right way, but I pray that they may be of encouragement to you. Bless you.

  2. And something else: your pictures in this post are beautiful. They may not be of faces, but the last picutre says it all. LOVE. CARE. The Lord's boutiful BLESSINGS!!! They are precious.


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