11 things that make me smile.

I know, I know, traditionally  a list should be 10 or 15 or maybe 20. Who does a list of 11? Well, I guess it just feels like an 11 kind of day. (o:

1. The thing makes me smile the most is what Jesus did for me.  He died for me on the cross to save me from my sins. My God loves me enough to work in me and refine me. I take comfort in the fact that His way is perfect. He is never early or late. He does everything in His time, for my good. He gives me strength when I have none and gives me grace enough for everyday. God is good. 

2. I love listen/watching the boys (Ken, Josh and Micah) watch baseball. I love the banter. I am learning who to cheer for. We never cheer for the Yankees. EVER. So even if we don't like the team playing against the Yankees, we go for them anyways. The names Baltista, Davis, Yukeles (sp)and Big Poppy float around our house. When I think of the name Baltista, I hear Micah doing the announcer version of his name: JJoooosssseeee BalTeeeeeeeeesta. Funny. He does it well.  I hear stats of different teams and different players. How do they remember all this stuff?  If they can remember all of those numbers, surely they should be able to remember their times tables! If I see Aaron Hill walking down the street, I am supposed to shake his hand. If I see Derek Jeeter walking down the street, I am supposed to stomp on his toe or at the very least raise my eye brows at him. If I see Jose Baltista, I need to high five him. See, I have been listening! (o:

3. I love walks with Ken. It is my favourite time of the day. It is an hour that we just have together. There are no interruptions - Just me and him. I am so thankful that God gave me a husband who sees the importance of time together.

4. I am officially addicted to tetris on Facebook! What a dork I am! (o:

5. Micah has outgrown the clothes I bought him around surgery time! (o: The comfy pants I bought him to wear after surgery are above his ankles and that my friends makes me happy! It sounds funny to say it because it seems like such a little thing. Kids outgrow clothes everday. But seeing Micah outgrow them is different. We have learned to take joy in these little blessings.

6. The Lord is working in me specifically in a few areas in my life and I am thankful. It really makes me smile!

7. With the warmer weather last week, Natalie asked if we could die if we sit outside in this hot weather for one day! (o: I think it was 22 degrees out!

8. We got a new water heater this week. When the guy came, the kids were everywhere. There seemed to be more of them than there really were. They were all dirty from playing outside. The house wasn't exactly tidy looking. The kids were fighting. He asked if they were all mine. I said they were. He said, "Whhhoo, busy lady." It made me laugh. I am pretty sure he thought we were crazy. (o:

9.  Micah's take on the weather - "It is just too hot! I am so hot! What are we going to do?" My boy doesn't do heat well. I believe he is just like his Momma! (o:

10. Ken only has 18 more days left of school. I CAN'T WAIT to have him home.

11. I have 5 kids. Honestly, I am so tired right now. I am weary in many ways actually. But I am so thankful for my little people. Seeing them all around the table makes me smile.  God has not only given us life, He has also spared life. God has richly blessed us.
