Josiah turns 5

So my little boy is 5. His birthday was April 20. We have 3 in April. We are birthdayed out! (o:

He was only one that I had a really bad birth with. My labours are always beautiful and quick. But his cord was so tight around his neck that his heart rate dropped really low and we had to get him out way earlier than my body was ready for. He came out red around his eyes and the rest of him was chalky white. When I look at pictures now, I gasp. Really! But the sad thing is that I didn't really bond with him. I am not sure why. I was not panicked when he came out like that. I did not want to cuddle him. Ken took him. It was very strange. When he was 6 weeks old, if someone wanted to have him I would have given him to them. That is such a switch from my fierce, immediate, desperate love. It was sad, but I didn't know how to fix it. It wasn't a mind over matter thing. I just didn't understand how moms at times didn't bond with their babies. How could they not? Well, I understand now that it happens and if you come across a mom like that, don't think she is crazy, love her and take care of her. She needs it.

Enough sad talk..... Once that boy hit 3 months, he was the joy of my life and I saw something so special in him. I still see it. (I will let you know in 15 years what that special thing is. It sounds a little crazy, but he is different.)He was an extremely well behaved toddler. Like ridiculous, I tell you. God blessed me with a toddler like that I think, because Micah was diagnosed when he was 1.5 years. He was naturally very adaptable and that was so helpful to us.

Josiah informed me the other day, that because he loves Jesus, he will see Him when he comes back and that he is walking in the light. I don't know where he came up with that. That little one has a tender heart and it makes me so happy.

Right now, Siah doesn't have a volume button. He talks SOOO loud and high pitched. Many times a day, I have to tell him him to talk quieter. Yikes!

He is very easy going. Nothing is a huge deal. He just goes with the flow. He is very independent and only gets upset when someone hurts him.

Josiah loves to read books and do school. He is not quite reading, but he wants to learn. When I get him a new school book, he cheers. He will go get a pencil and start. I hear will him sigh and say, "This new book looks a little tricky!". The other kids think he is nuts. We think he is so funny. If loves to learn, I will teach him! It is a pleasure.

 I have never had a child  who will say, NO thanks, when offered a hike or to go outside and play baseball with Ken. He would rather stay in and do his thing. Most of the time we make him go out and do stuff with everyone else. He enjoys it once he gets out there. It is very good for him. I don't want to raise a kid who stays inside to read all the time. He needs to be active too.

His newest thing is telling me that, "This is not working for me." He will say that anytime he doesn't want to do something. He will say it when he has to clean something up. Too bad he has a mean mom who tells him he has to figure out how to make it work! (o:

Here are a few pics.

Josiah loves cheezies. But I never buy them. They are so bad for you and make such a mess. So when my dad asked what he could get Siah, I told him to get him a bag of cheezies. (o:

We forgot to put the sparklers on the first time. So we put them on and sang again. Come on, what is a birthday without the sparklers? (o: 

After we sang and cut the cake, Siah didn't even eat his cake He sat there at and looked at one of his presents. Books trump cake, every time! (o:


  1. What a charming little guy! Some of the things you wrote about him definitely reminded me of Kade! Its beautiful how each child is so unique and blesses us in different ways!


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