Be Still

****Power is on now!***** (o:

So I am sitting here in the semi dark on Thursday morning without power, typing on the laptop, in a word processing program. Ken is gone to school and only Grace and I are up. I have done all I can do. I have showered, the house is tidy and my bed is made up. The loads of wash I should be folding are still wet. The kids I should be feeding breakfast are still sleeping. I am going to let them sleep a little longer today because they had a late summer night last night. So it is quiet.

My first thought when I woke up was to turn on the radio and listen to the news. Then I realized that of course – no power. So I took off the back of the radio to see what kind of batteries I needed to make it happen. I need 6 C batteries. I found 3 in Grace's toy and 1 in the drawer. I am 2 short. So I texted my mom, across the street to see if she has 2. In the middle of all this I thought to myself, “Wowee serious?” Nothing bad is going to happen if I don't listen to the news, even though I like to know what is going on.. I can do without checking email and facebook. No one is depending on me to get back to them. What happened to “being still?”

I am never still. I listen to the news in the morning while I am getting the house in order and making breakfast. During break time, I often listen to the 1290 to see what Andy Oudman is talking about. I like to listen to Charles Addler in the afternoon as I work in the house. Then, in the evening after 6 I listen to CBC talk as I am doing wash, sweeping floors and make Ken's lunch. In between there I check email and facebook to see if I have any messages. I do some blogging or check blogs. I am a music girl as well. I need music, I love praising God with my music. I like it nice and loud. I am thinking the neighbours might know some of my songs! (o: So really, its not the content that I thinking about. It is the quantity that isn't right.

I have realized that I am technology and noise dependant. Sitting in a quiet a house drives me crazy. Really, it makes me squirrelly! I should be loving the time this morning to think, pray and read. I am not saying I need to be quiet all the time, but I am thinking that I need to set aside some more self imposed “still time”.

My mom just texted and told me she has 2 batteries. She is going to bring them over when she leaves to go out. Hmmm, now I am wondering if I should put them in the radio.

Are you taking time to be still?


  1. Ha - sometimes I crave quiet. It is almost never quiet here, and not because the radio is on. I can't handle having music on too often because when it's on, the rest of the noises get louder, too. I go for naps with ear plugs. The rare moments when I am home alone are savoured because of the quietness. But some day I will have a quiet, still house and will miss the noise and activity, so that has to be savoured, too. :)

  2. I hear you, Belinda.
    This morning was a bit chaotic in our house. Emily wanted oatmeal for breakfast. Nope. Jacob wanted and egg. Nope. They both wanted to watch an Einstein video on the computer. Nope. The playroom was in darkness (we have VERY small windows in there). It was tough. I was trying to find something to keep them happy while I tried to carry on with my typical morning stuff. We were all grumpy.
    Once I "gave up" and just sat on the couch with my two kids and got a book that they both love to read, it was peaceful. It was loud, because they were each pointing to things and making noises, but there was an inner peace in each of us that wasn't there before.
    I think quietness is good. It doesn't mean that there can't be any noise in the house (because how often does that actually happen???!!!) but a selected time for putting aside the business is important. I'm still working on it ;)

  3. You know what Carmen? I crave quiet too. It is loud in here with all these kids all day long. But when I have quiet, I turn something on every time. It is strange.

    Good for you Jen. It is hard to do that. I struggle with dropping everything and just giving my total attention to my kids. I feel like I have to do that with school. So when we are not doing school, I tend not to do it so well. But when I do it, I totally understand that quietness in everyone. That is a wonderful feeling and so worth it. One step at time..... (o:


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