She crawls..... forward!

I know, I know, more of Grace, but she is doing new things everyday. This is important stuff! Yesterday she started to wave for real and she waves like the queen! (o: Today I put her crib mattress down and she also clapped for the first time. The third thing that happened today is that she finally moved FORWARD. She actually crawled. No more of just this backwards stuff! Time is going so fast and I just might cry. I am excited to see her doing new things. But my baby is gone!

Alright, so girlie is a mess. She just had lunch with no bib, her hair is a mess and it has has food in it, but I had to document it.

See her leg in the air.... FORWARD!

This is her taking in all the clapping and cheering from the counter where we were eating lunch! Oh, how she loves an audience! (o:

She has been doing this lately when we listen to music or are having fun. We are still cheering. She loves it. I have been trying to get a picture of this for awhile now. It is my favourite thing she does.


  1. I love the progression of the pictures. On all fours showing mommy that she can do it. Then she is smiling about it followed by cheering. Don't kids grow up way to fast!

  2. she's sooo adorable :)!
    love that stage....learning & exploring new things everyday. i love it that you cherish these times so much...they go by much too quickly.


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