Really Broken.....

This is what I am thinking about today. It may be a little messy and not really cohesive. I am just going to write. It is, what it is....
We have a good life. We are blessed in so many ways. God is our Father. I have a husband that I adore. We have been blessed with five beautiful children. We both have amazing family that is so special. Micah is super healthy. This kids are growing in the Lord. The Lord is continuing to work in Ken and I. God is supplying our physical needs. The kids are doing well in school..... There is a huge list I could write. But you get the point.

But I find myself really looking at the big picture of life. This world is so broken. There are broken families and broken children. There are broken churches and broken countries. There are so many sick people - physically, emotionally and spiritually. There are dying children.

It's sin.

We are sinners and we live in a sinful world. There is not one thing in this world that isn't touched by sin. Really, this world is a mess. Everything is broken!

As the world gets messier and sadder, I find myself thinking about how the world was before sin - It was perfect. Then my mind goes to what it will be when Jesus comes back or when I die and go to heaven. - It will be perfectly beautiful.

I feel a longing. It is a longing so strong that sometimes it hurts ....... I do love living here. I want to live for a very long time and experience things. I want to grow old with Ken. I want to see my kids grow up become adults who love the Lord. I would love to see them get married and have babies. There is so much to look forward to. I also know that there is so much to do yet in God's Kingdom.

But on the other side of things, I grow weary of this life. We are constantly in a fight against sin and sometimes life is just so sad.

I can't leave it at that though. This world and everything in it is sinful, but I am thankful that we have a Saviour in Jesus. Because of Him our sins can be forgiven. If we believe in Him and are sorry for our sins, He will give us eternal life with Him. Thank you Lord.

I guess I am just saying that I can't wait until Jesus comes back.  I can't wait to be with Him.
