She is Moving!

Grace is now 7 months and half months and is chomping at the bit to move fast and far and all she has managed is to scoot backwards. She gets excited as she starts to move, but then realizes that she is going the wrong way. She is funny to watch.

In this first picture she looks pretty happy to be on the floor!

She is starting to get annoyed that she is moving the wrong way!


Oh so sad!

This one makes me laugh the most. I know my girl, and she is wondering why I am laying on the floor laughing and taking pictures and not picking her up instead!

Since I missed her seventh month post,(it was the month I was going to try to remember to do a monthly post about her)  I will do a little post here about where she is at. I didn't record nearly enough for my other kids. I need to try to do better for Grace Girl!

My girl at 7 months and 14 days.

She is.....
A chunky 18.5 pounds.
Wearing size 3 diapers.
Wearing some 6-9 months clothes and many 12 and 18 month clothes. I. KNOW.
Drinking 6 - 6 oz bottles a day.
She just started eating pablum, sweet potatoes and bananas yesterday.
Has discovered crackers - Will SCREAM when her cracker is gone.
Doesn't roll over a whole bunch.
If put on her tummy will scooch backwards.
She wants to move forwards sooo badly.
Strangely does not have an established nap pattern. It is different every day. I have tried. Weird!
Sleeps a good 10-12 hours.
Loves her taggie blanket and bunny blanket.
Sucks her two fingers.
She is not cuddly and will not fall asleep on anyone.
She loves the playpen and jumperpoo.
She has no teeth, but is chomping like a little maniac.
Is giving us more joy than we thought possible.


  1. sweet post! She is such a chunker, but SOO cute!! I took Katie for a checkup a few week ago and she was 18.10lb! Those smiles are just so infectious!!

  2. she is simply the cutest little girl :)


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