Praise the Lord, He is 9

 AAAHHHHH, I am a day late. I had this written, but forgot to publish it. It was busy day!

This is my latest picture of Micah. It seems that most of his pictures have Grace in them. Here he had taken her up in the pantry closet.I guarentee you that sometime just before, during or just after this pic was taken he asked me if they looked a like! (o: It is a daily occurence.

Our Micah turns 9 today (yesterday) at about 12:04 pm. He is our only child born at Children's Hospital in London. It is ironic that he has had surgery 5 times a hall away from where he was born. He came into this world quite quickly for being induced. The Doc didn't make it and Ken had to call the nurse in. She was chatting on the phone with her teenage son, who had just broken her washing machine. I don't think she was impressed about her machine. Ken liked that nurse. She was a Native and they chatted about Native issues. I had to "politely" tell  them at one point to stop talking. I think I was polite. (o:

Micah was my pinkest, hairiest and loudest baby I have had. He stayed loud for a very long time. Good thing he was cute!  His cheeks and forehead were even hairy. I think he screamed even before whoever caught him got a hold of him. I have to be honest I really have no idea who actually delivered that boy. It was seriously an intern or someone walking by. I remember the Doc was very angry when she got there because if something had gone wrong, they could have been liable. I am still not exactly sure why though.  Just so you know, she was a miserable lady, that ran her clinic like a factory. The only reason I went to her was because I couldn't get in to the midwives and she was a prolife Doc. If I can help it, I will never go to a doctor that does abortions. I couldn't stand someone who kills babies delivering mine. It just doesn't seen right.

I wish I could post a picture of our hairy little monster when he was born. He was so cute, but we didn't have digital then. Just go back and look at a pic of Grace, they looked very much the same. (o:

All the kids were special when they were born for a specific reason. Joshua was the first. Natalie was our first girl. Umm, Poor Josiah.... I had a quick but scary birth with him and had a bit of trouble bonding. I can honestly say that he was my most special toddler. If you read this when you are bigger Josiah, I really did love you when you were born! (o: Grace came at a time that we needed her. Micah was special because there is four years between the Josh and Micah and we were worried we couldn't have anymore kids. So we were waiting for him and I really couldn't wait to have another baby in my arms. We really shouldn't have worried. God must of had a good  reason for making us wait!

We are thanking the Lord that our spunky, loving, loud, soft hearted, puppy dog eyed, crazy, mature, illogical, clumsy, yet very coordinated, considerate, and giving boy is here with us today.

Thank you Lord for letting us keep him! Thank you, thank you, thank you!


    beautiful pic belinda! you can see the love b/w those 2!! we're praising & thanking God with you for giving you your precious son {& all your children ;)} yet another year.

  2. Belated happy birthday, Micah! Praise God for His goodness.

  3. Happy Happy birthday Micah! You and your family is blessed indeed to be celebrating this milestone together. We pray for you and children like you every single day, and hope that God continues to give you what you need day in and day out.
    P.S. My STARS but you and Grace look alike! Just like two peas in a pod-you are both adorable!


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