4 Years of Birthdays

Ken's youngest sister Aileen has sent Micah balloons on his birthday for the last 4 years. I had to hunt, but I found a picture of them each year. The first year I didn't have a picture of Micah with the balloons, but the other years I do. I thought it would be neat to document those 4 years of birthdays for Micah in pictures. It is a blessing to see where he has been and where he is now.

Micah turned 6 in January of 2008. He started chemo a few weeks before on Dec 28. I can already see that he was starting to lose weight. But he still smiled and laughed. It is amazing that through the hard times, he was often so happy and could see the joy in the moment and didn't look at the big picture. I know that it was the Lord who gave him peace.

Balloons from 2008

In January of 2009, Micah turned 7. He was weeks away from being done chemo. He had been on steroids for 4.5 months. We were getting excited to be done. The future was so exciting to us.

January 2010, Micah turned 8. You can see from the picture that he just had surgery to put his port back in. The cancer was growing quickly here. We thought it was going to be his last birthday.

Ahhhh, this one is much easier on my heart. In January 2011 our boy turned 9. He is healthy and doing well. Thank you Lord!

Thank you Aileen for being so thoughtful and sending him balloons. He loves them.


  1. hi belinda
    when do you get the ct results ?
    praying for your familly .
    ruth vink


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