
This summer, Ken and the kids went fishing many times! This is the first year that all of the kids really enjoyed it. I think the main reason is that Ken found some great spots where they were almost always guarenteed at least a few fish each. On the last trip of the year, they asked if I would come with Grace. They wanted to show me how they catch their fish! They didn't catch any fish this time, but they sure looked cute trying!




This place was in Komoka. It was so beautiful. But we had to walk a long way, of course with no stroller! There were people hiking and they stared at us like we were crazy! 5kids, 4 carrying (dragging)pails, rods, worms, sweaters and water. Ken was carrying our little lug of a baby Grace in her car seat....... OK, we must have looked like quite a sight. I just smiled and kept walking. I thought they looked rather bored and lonely just the two of them, walking ALL by themselves in the quiet of the woods. COUGH COUGH. Umm, maybe next time Ken and I will have to try what they were doing. Boring and lonely might be kind of fun!


  1. Hey cool a new blog!

    I gotta say, the formatting issue... it's because you're not using wordpress.. teehee :-)

  2. Keep blogging Belinda! It's good for you and also for us!

  3. Hi Belinda!
    Just found your blog - and I'll definitely follow!
    As for formatting - always center your pictures. In my very first post i had everything lined up beautifully with words beside pictures and it ended up all wonky like yours. Now I just make sure I chose "center" instead of left or right and then things are a little more straight. (but I'm not an expert, so if anyone else has tips . . .)
    Looking forward to more posts.

  4. Ha ha. Neat piece of writing!!!


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