Always Faithful.

I'm getting older and find myself reflecting on the past and looking towards the future differently than I did as a younger person. The Lord has seen it best to make our path more windy than straight. Some days I long for a straight simple path, but as I continue to mature and experience life as a Jesus lover, I am seeing that our peak and valley life has taught me so much. The more we need to depend on the Lord, the more we see who He is. Sometimes it's seen starkly in the moment and other times we need to look backwards to see the Lord's care, faithfulness, mercy, grace and steadfastness. It doesn't take away the hurt, disappointment or hard circumstances. He doesn't promise easy, but He does promise to always be with us. The more experience we have in trusting Him in times of trouble, the more opportunity we have to see that He cares and is always faithful. In turn, the more natural it becomes for trust to be our default. I've been thinking about this a l...