Onward while looking upward....

So we are moving back to Ontario on June 24. The process of deciding which path to take was not an easy one. We had 4 options (ministry and education) on the table and one was especially heart wrenching to decline. I am wondering if it may be that the Lord is giving us a not yet, instead of a no. The Lord knows and we will leave it with Him. Ken has signed a contract at Providence Reformed Collegiate in Komoka. It is a community that Ken taught in for 8 years (1999-2007). It feels like going home in a way. Our hearts have always had such a soft spot for them. After we moved on from that school, I had trouble reading the newsletter that came in our church mailbox for a while because it made me ache a little. We loved them and are excited to go back. Ken will continue to preach. That chapter is not closed, it just looks different than we had imagined 4 years ago. It took some time, but we are very much at peace. We are exactly where the Lord wants us right now. We will follow Him and...