Thank you Lord!!!!!

We are so thankful for the blessings that the Lord has given us. I have said it so many times to people, in updates and on this blog. But it just must be said over and over.

Last year on the many days that we thought would be our "last" with Micah, we would think ahead to the same time next year with dread. Well, this year, we have started school, we have had October, November, it is now December and we are more than half way to January. Micah is turning 9 on January 7. Imagine that! Ken is done school for 2 weeks, this past Friday we opened presents with our little family and yesterday we had our Sunday School Christmas program. We have some family dinners coming up and we hope to celebrate News Years Eve together. These are all things we were quite sure we would be doing without Micah this year.

That is me yelling really loud and with lots of emphasis. (o:

When Micah stood up at the front of the church, singing songs and saying the poem with the rest of his class, Ken and I were overwhelmed with thankfulness. For me it was a thankfulness that wanted to bubble over. I just wanted to laugh and stand up and say to everyone, "Hey look! He is still here. Thank the Lord with us." I am pretty bold, but not that bold!

When we went through the initial diagnoses and treatment, we appreciated the small things. Life was hard. But when Micah was done treatment, we very quickly started to take life for granted again. It was sad how quickly we forgot. It is so different this time. We are thankful every single morning for His sparing mercies.

In all of our lives, each day is a gift from the Lord. We don't often think that way or we think it in theory only. If that makes sense to you.  But when we put it into the context of Micah's life, we really do literally see each day without cancer a gift, that doesn't get old.

Please do thank the Lord with us.  


  1. Oh Belinda, you should have been so bold! I was thanking God seeing Micah up there too! No one would have minded at all :-) ~Amanda

  2. Praising Him!! Oh, He is so good and kind to His children! So so thankful that you are able to enjoy this blessing. :0)


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