
Showing posts from May, 2022

25 years

Today is our 25th wedding anniversary and yesterday was our 26th engagment anniversary. Those are pretty big numbers. That also means that we have been a couple for 29 years this August. It’s hard to believe. We always acknowledge and celebrate our love for each other in a special way on or around our anniversary, but this number seems more significant than usual. Maybe because it’s ¼ of a century. It seems fitting to reflect on the time that has passed and on the Lord’s goodness to us.  Going back 25 years makes me want to cringe a little bit. I think that our 16 year old is more mature than we were when we got married. But when we smile and think about those 2 young kids, even though we dated for 4 years, we realize how little we really knew about each other, or even ourselves. Truthfully, we had no idea what we were getting into. I wonder what we would have thought if we could have seen even a tiny bit of the path that the Lord would put us on. Natually, there has been an e...