Six Years Later and Still Safe
I was on facebook yesterday and one of my memories was that I blogged this post called "One Year Later and Still Safe" in 2011. It marked one year since Micah's lung surgery. (This is my favorite picture from that post. It was taken the night before Micah's surgery. They were so relaxed. It was a blessing for us in the face of the unknown. Just look at that little Micah and sweet Josiah. So melty It's fun to compare this picture with the Micah and Josiah in the side bar. They have grown so much! (: ) Post Edit: I just re-read my post. Often I find mistakes when I look with fresh eyes after I post something. (: As I was looking at this picture again, I was thinking about how old these boys were here. Micah had just turned 8 and Josiah was just turning 4 in the next month. That means that Natalie was Grace's age and was just going to turn 6 and Josh was almost 12, which is how old Natalie is now. It sure gives me perspective and makes me think. Josh had...