A post from last spring...
I found this post from this past spring as I was cleaning up all of the drafts on my blog. I start so many posts and never finish them. But I want to share the description of Siah at the bottom. The first paragraph will also be great for me to be able read some day when I look back at this time. It sums our neighborhood up with just a few sounds. (: _________________________________________________________________________________ In our neighborhood, spring means the school marching band pounding out it's drums until well after 8:30 some nights, being able to hear the the church worshiping across the street on Sunday afternoon and the man that lives in the motel by our house, revving his dying motorcycle and driving up and down the street, sometimes as late as 10 pm. I suuuuuuure, like reaaaaaaaaaalllllly, could do without Mr Motorcycle man! To some people spring means flowers and birds singing, to us it means lots of interesting noises! (: Grace is growing so big. But one t...