Wowza!!! For a while I completely forgot about this here blog. Life is so full. I have noticed in the last bit how my family is growing. In January, Micah turned 12. In April, Natalie turns 10, Josh, 16 and Siah, 8. Then in June Grace turns 4. We are back to evens. I like evens. But those numbers are big. For everyone of them the number seems like it's in a different category than the last. Josh is turning 16. He will be in Kentucky on a mission trip on his birthday. That's kinda too bad! We will be in Canada then and he could have got his beginners. It's hard to comprehend that we will have a driver. I have watched kids at church turn 16 for years and always felt butterflies for the parents. Now we are here. For the record, I am not concerned. Josh will be a great driver. He is level headed, capable and mature. He can drive well already. No biggy. Although the highways make me nervous. They are fast and we do have weird ramps (131 to 196) that make me yell ahhhhhh...