Stuff I have learned.
What I have learned in the last 10 days..... Mapquest is INnnnvaluable. Ken is getting too old to play in baseball tournaments. (Picture a man hobbling with a giant raspberry on his leg.) I-96 and 196 are different highways. There is a 196, I-96 and a 69. To people around here, they are very different, but I still need to think. The people from our Grand Rapids community are very kind. We won`t get shot walking down the main street by our house (Division Ave). It slightly scared me the first few days. That it`s kind of silly to have a 75 year old man, half asleep in a bank, as their security guard. Really? If he can do that job, so can I. Where do I apply! (o: It`s OK to take Grace places with applesauce in her hair. Nothing bad will happen. That you need a degree in something to figure out the stop lights, especially the left turn one. There is a green, yellow, flashing red and solid red. I am thinking you can go on all of them except the so...