A New Year
So it's News Years! Another year is gone! It has gone so fast. I have to say that my new year starts in September. This January 1st thing is just a technicality for me. (o: At lunch today, Ken was thanking the Lord for the year He has given us and it hit me that this past year was the first full calendar year that Micah has been completely cancer free in many years. Wow! What an amazing blessing! It makes my heart beat a little faster and makes me teary. New Years Eve, has been a difficult night for us for a few years. We always seemed on the brink. Either Micah was just diagnosed, almost done treatment, newly relapsed or newly healed. We were always left to wonder on New Years, what the new held for us. Did it hold healing or separation? Well this past year held healing. Thanks be to Him!!!!!!! I am learning again and again that our lives are to be filled with thanksgiving - eucharisteo. (I am re-reading this book .) So today, I will not wonder what the new year hol...