As the Christmas lights shine on the streets, the leaves fall from the trees, as we plan family dinners, as the days get shorter and the nights get longer and as the stores fill with Christmas crazy it reminds us of years past. This time of year is hard for us. I can say though that this year, is the best "this time of year" we have had in quite a few years. Nov 2007 - The initial diagnoses. Fall/ Winter2008 - Still in heavy treatment with breathing issues. Dec 2009 - Relapse Fall/Winter 2010 - Still broken and not really sure how to live, how to think or what to do. 2011- Here and living thankfully I am not writing this to complain. We are thankful beyond words. The Lord heard the prayers of His people and miraculously healed Micah. He is here and quite healthy. Praise God! But, I write this because we remember. The memories are not so sharp and cutting, but they are still there. At times we still have an aching heart. There are some memories that just don't le...