
27 Years

On May 31, Ken and I celebrated our 27th anniversary. That means that this summer will mark 31 years of Ken being my boyfriend. I’m so thankful for how the Lord has blessed and grown us as individuals and as a couple. Through the peaks and valleys of the windy road we have walked as a family, we have been gifted with such a deep and rich love. We are full. I could write for paragrahs about how much I love Ken and how dear he is to me, but I will leave it at this. The Lord has been very kind to us. I love to take pictures of us together. Ken obliges because he knows how much I enjoy a new picture of us, even if it’s silly. Sometimes they work and sometimes they don’t. On Friday, we took so many pictures. Either Ken’s head was funny or I wasn’t looking. At the end of the night we tried one more by the water. It was pitch black, but I was determined to get one good one. We were laughing so hard and it's an awful picture, but I like it. It’s very us. I also asked a friend to put 2 of
We have watched our kids grow and are so blessed that they love the Lord and each other and are so close. My favourite thing to do is watch the kids spend time together and be there for each other. We have had so many milestones in the last years. Josh has been married for two and a half years to our Riley and is a Correctional Officer in London. Micah has been away at Redeemer. Natalie has done her first year at Mohawk and has been dating Austin for a year and a half. Josiah is finishing off highschool. Grace is almost done schooling at home. Tessa is growing every day and is doing well at the end of the line. (:  We have three graduations this year: Grace grade 8. Josiah grade 12. Micah university. In September, Grace is going to school for the first time at PRC. Josiah is leaving home and going to Redeemer and Micah is going to work at Covenant for a year as a TA before he goes to teachers college. Our home changes yearly as our kids get older, but this year is significant. There wi
I go to Metro a few times a week as a run in and run out. I care for my Oma twice a day and it's right across the street. The prices are insane, so I will just go to grab sales or milk or cans of rotel because it's the only place that I have found it in town. Their deli made pizza is also really great on a busy day once in a while. Fourteen dollars for an extra large pepperoni that doesn't taste like card board is a real deal.  After Oma's on Saturday evening, I ran into Metro, just hoping that I wouldn't meet anyone that I know. You know those times? lol I was dresssed in my burgundy sweat pants and black zip up and birkenstocks and my hair was a mess. I was in the produce department looking at bags of honeycrisps for $2. Quite a steal. I also had a pizza in my cart for the girls for supper on Sunday night as a treat. An older man came up to me and asked me about the pizza in my cart. He said that he had heard negative things since the place had been renovated. I a

Always Faithful.

I'm getting older and find myself reflecting on the past and looking towards the future differently than I did as a younger person.  The Lord has seen it best to make our path more windy than straight. Some days I long for a straight simple path, but as I continue to mature and experience life as a Jesus lover, I am seeing that our peak and valley life has taught me so much.  The more we need to depend on the Lord, the more we see who He is. Sometimes it's seen starkly in the moment and other times we need to look backwards to see the Lord's care, faithfulness, mercy, grace and steadfastness. It doesn't take away the hurt, disappointment or hard circumstances. He doesn't promise easy, but He does promise to always be with us.  The more experience we have in trusting Him in times of trouble, the more opportunity we have to see that He cares and is always faithful. In turn, the more natural it becomes for trust to be our default. I've been thinking about this a l

Death Under the Bridge

On the way to Oma’s on Monday morning, I was driving down the hill on Fingal Line, under the elevated park bridge . There were two cars parked in the road, close to the bottom of the hill. At first, I thought that it was an accident. I slowed to see if all was well, but then I saw him. It’s been 2 days and as I write this, I am struggling with sadness. My chest is heavy and my heart physically hurts. Tears have been behind my eyes since Monday morning and fall a few times a day whenever the pictures of that morning run through my mind.   As I stopped close to the lady standing in the left lane, I scanned the situation and adrenaline shot through my body. I asked the lady if they needed help, but as the words left my lips, I knew. The words were only my desperate longing for him not to be dead. She said, “No honey. We can’t help. He’s gone. I’ve already called 9-1-1.”  She was very tender with me.  In those first moments as I scanned, I got a good look at him and the pictures have been

25 years

Today is our 25th wedding anniversary and yesterday was our 26th engagment anniversary. Those are pretty big numbers. That also means that we have been a couple for 29 years this August. It’s hard to believe. We always acknowledge and celebrate our love for each other in a special way on or around our anniversary, but this number seems more significant than usual. Maybe because it’s ¼ of a century. It seems fitting to reflect on the time that has passed and on the Lord’s goodness to us.  Going back 25 years makes me want to cringe a little bit. I think that our 16 year old is more mature than we were when we got married. But when we smile and think about those 2 young kids, even though we dated for 4 years, we realize how little we really knew about each other, or even ourselves. Truthfully, we had no idea what we were getting into. I wonder what we would have thought if we could have seen even a tiny bit of the path that the Lord would put us on. Natually, there has been an ebb and fl


Tessa is turning 6 tomorrow. She...  Is not looking forward to soccer because it's just not her. "Dad, I am not meant to be rough and tough. Ballet is me. I am meant to be kind, sweet and beautiful."  Sometimes struggles with being the youngest and watching her siblings get older and move on without her. "Mom, I have bad memories... Josh leaving. Micah leaving... (Silence. Then wistfully.) Nice boys. (Long Sigh.)" "Mom, when is Micah going to move back into our home forever. Where he belongs?" I said probably never. She wept and screamed his name. Her heart broke. There are advantages to being the youngest. But there is hard that comes with it.  Has mature thoughts and asks insightful questions.  Feels deeply and loves well.  Loves all things soft and cuddly. I'm included in this category. (: Is sure that she shares more 'genetics' with me than with Ken. "Mom, we just have so much in common...." Loves to swim (It clicked last week